Association of Mexican American Educators Journal

SCOPE: The Association of Mexican American Educators (AMAE) Journal addresses interdiscplinary research and academic issues of importance in the education of Mexican-American/Latinx children and families to help inform those working in the field of educational studies. In addition, we hope this research is of service to other stakeholders, such as administrators, policymakers, teachers, civic leaders, grassroots organizers, and parents. In this way, the AMAE Journal is organized and focused to make an immediate impact at different educational levels, apprising different constituencies—from academia to policymakers to school districts to communities—on the conditions of Mexican-American/Latinx students and their families.

It is important to note that Mexican-American/Latinx children are the fastest growing population and majority student population in school districts across the United States. It is imperative to understand the needs, challenges, and strengths of Mexican-American/Latinx youth and their families to improve their educational conditions and attainment. The Journal’s scope is directly aligned with the 1965 founding of AMAE, Inc., which was spearheaded by Chicana/o/x practitioners who challenged the existing US educational system and its inequality of educational opportunity for all students, in particular Mexican/Latinx students.

All research topics related to the education of Mexican-American/Latinx students are welcome. These include topics related to immigration and education, the achievement gap, bilingual education, parent engagement, ESL/EL education, equity and social justice, critical theories (i.e. CRT, Critical Pedagogy), literacy and content area instruction, curriculum and instruction, policy development, teacher education, the sociology of education, educational anthropology, among others. If you have any questions about a specific manuscript and its content, you may contact the editors to inquire about the suitability of its submission.

PUBLISHING: The AMAE Journal is a national, refereed, peer-reviewed journal with an acceptance rate between 19%-30%. A distinguished editorial advisory board provides counsel to the AMAE Journal editors (see AMAE Journal Editorial Advisory Board). The AMAE Journal is published triannually. It publishes one open issue, one theme issue, and one invited issue per year. Manuscripts for the open issue are accepted on an ongoing basis; there is no deadline for the open issue. Each open issue aspires to contain: Featured Articles, Essays, Book Reviews, and Poems. The AMAE Journal provides immediate open access to its interdisciplinary content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. It is also indexed in the Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse (ERIC) database, EBSCO, Google Scholar, and Cabell's Directory.

If you would like to submit a manuscript for consideration, please ask our managing editor to create a user account for you. He can be reached at: