Instructional Practices and Approaches

  • Sonia Nieto
  • Jason Irizarry


In Guererra’s class, I feel important. Like, he cares that I’m there and stuff . . . I don’t feel like he is pushing me out like the other ones. Like the other teachers are so negative. They are like, “if you miss one more day, you won’t graduate.” He’s not like that. He has *never* said that to me, ever. He’s just, “Mija, make sure that you are doing something” you know, trying to help me...

I feel like I do better because [Mr. Guererra] cares. That’s one of the main things, why I like the class, ‘cause he’s not just there to get paid . . . . It’s different in that class. Like, you feel way more um, important, than just a student in the class.
